Mrs Crackenthorpe's Diary
2 min read
A very happy New Year to you and yours. Despite all the drear, with endless industrial action, economic woes, a health system all collapsin,’ immigrants a-swarmin’ and testy foreign relations (yawn) Mrs C is absolutely thrilled to have made it safely to 2023. After three centuries of reporting on Westminster scandale she’s grateful for any time she can get. Here’s what piqued her interest this week.
Mrs C was tickled to hear of a Tory MP whom she is told was “invited by mistake” to a Q&A organised by a refugee charity in his constituency. It appears those in charge had not taken heed of our ambitious friend’s robust stance on border control – but the refugees present had, prompting one to hit him with a somewhat blunt inquiry: “which of us would you deport to Rwanda first?” At which our parliamentarian swiftly exited stage left.
Reports before Christmas that the delightfully communitarian Michael Gove attended his oppo Lisa Nandy’s recent book launch reminds Mrs C of the time she found herself at a similar event where she struck up a conversation with very sweet and rather self-effacing (a rare trait in Westminster) older lady dressed in dazzling fuchsia. Mrs C is not usually slow off the mark, but it took a moment or two before the penny dropped: the lovely fellow old gal was JRM’s nanny – both past and present. “We’re off to Claridge’s after this,” the wonderful woman confided. Cheers to you, nanny!.
Mrs C must admit to having had one or two brushes with the law herself – all youthful high jinks and always found not guilty, inshallah – so she takes a rather Lord Longford-esq approach to those who find themselves up before the beak. Thus her heart truly broke for today’s generation of lags to hear that not one but two of our most senior parliamentarians were away from Westminster on jury duty recently. Mrs C is certain they were as thorough and impartial in upholding the law as they are in making ‘em.
Hugs all round to my little Westminster friends, and don’t forget to keep those most scandalous tips coming. You know the drill by now: email: