New appointments this week in UK politics, the civil service and public affairs
Jackson Carlaw resigned as Leader of the Scottish Conservatives. PA Images
2 min read
Dods People draws together a list of appointments in Westminster politics, the devolved administrations and the public affairs sector in the last week.
Houses of Parliament:
House of Lords
Baroness Barker, Lord Caine, Baroness Healy of Primrose Hill and Baroness Watkins of Tavistock appointed to the panel of members to act as Deputy Chairmen of Committees.
The Bishop of Manchester entered the Lords.
Lord Darling of Roulanish (Labour, life peer) retired on 28th July.
Departments of State:
Department of Work and Pensions
Nick Markham as appointed as the Departmental Lead Non-Executive Director.
Health and Safety Executive – Sarah Newton to become Chair on 1st August, replacing Martin Temple.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Peter Wilson has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil in succession to Vijay Rangarajan.
Ian Duddy has been appointed Ambassador to the Republic of Chile in succession to Jamie Bowden.
Jo McPhail has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Djibouti.
Ramin Navai has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Paraguay in succession to Matthew Hedges.
Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) – Richard Moore to replace Alex Younger as Permanent Secretary and Chief in the autumn.
Cabinet Office/HM Treasury
Infrastructure and Projects Authority - Jon Loveday appointed as Director of Infrastructure, Enterprise and Growth.
HM Treasury
Crown Estate Board - Juliet Davenport appointed as a member.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - Sarah Flannigan and Jantiene T. Klein Roseboom van der Veer have been reappointed as board members for second terms of three years, Ian Karet, Michael Lear Derek Myers and Val Gooding have had their terms extended for six months.
Scottish Conservatives
Jackson Carlaw resigned as Leader.
Devolved Authorities:
Northern Ireland Government
Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service - Carmel McKinney reappointed as Chair.
Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland Board - Patrick McElroy had his appointment as member extended.
Local Authorities:
Newport City Council – Beverly Owen named as the new Chief Executive.
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Interest Groups
NHS Confederation – Marie Gabriel to be the first Chair of the NHS Race and Health Observatory, hosted by the Confederation.
Mainstream - Kirsty Buchanan joined as Campaign Director.
WaterAid international – Maureen O’Neill to replace Rob Skinner as Chair on 1st August.