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Labour MP for Washington and Gateshead South.
With over 80% of dyslexic children leaving school without a diagnosis, more needs to be done to address the educational costs of dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties, writes Sharon Hodgson MP
Shadow Minister for Public Health Sharon Hodgson writes that she knows breastfeeding can be physically draining and often painful, yet it is one of the most powerful factors in infant health.
We need a forward-looking arts curriculum to provide the necessary skills for life and work, says Sharon Hodgson
From the obesity crisis to health inequalities, the battle is on to secure a healthy future for everyone in the UK, writes Sharon Hodgson
The UK has one of the worst obesity rates in Europe. Almost two years on from the government’s strategy there is still a clear need for action, says Sharon Hodgson
Shadow Minister for Public Health Sharon Hodgson MP says that a new report further illustrates the health benefits that universal free schools meals have on children's education.
These are all shameful statistics; ones which we could easily get right if the cancer workforce had the time, resources and support to truly fight cancer, says Shadow Minister for Public Health Sharon Hodgson MP.
Food insecurity is a growing issue here in the UK and there is a serious concern that children are bearing the brunt, says Shadow Minister for Public Health Sharon Hodgson MP.
If the UK is to be a truly equal society, then women should not have to choose between having children or progressing their careers, argues Sharon Hodgson MP.