Sun, 1 September 2024

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9 in 10 vets prefer to buy British meat and fish

British Veterinary Association | British Veterinary Association

2 min read Partner content

Vets across Britain really care about where their meat, fish, dairy products and eggs come from, with an overwhelmingly majority buying British.

To coincide with the launch of British Food Fortnight this Saturday, the British Veterinary Association has released statistics from its Voice of the Veterinary Profession survey that show 9 in 10 vets would be more likely to buy meat, fish, dairy or eggs if it was British (90%) or locally sourced (88%).

7 in 10 vets (71%) actively seek out information about the provenance of such food before making a purchase or choosing where to eat, by checking labels or asking in restaurants. Some vets specify that they only buy meat from sources they trust while others have their own livestock.

BVA President Robin Hargreaves commented:

These results show how much British vets understand and care about the importance of animal welfare and food safety, and how that affects the food we put on our plates.

In Britain, we have some of the highest animal welfare and food hygiene standards in the world. Our members play a vital role in maintaining those standards, from production animal vets working closely with farmers to vets working in food production who ensure the safety and quality of the food we eat.

This experience and knowledge is reflected in what vets choose to eat themselves. It is clear from the survey that when it comes to choosing meat, fish, diary or eggs, vets vote British.

Read the most recent article written by British Veterinary Association - Pet proof your Christmas and stay off Santa Paw’s naughty list

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