Humane World for Animals UK Address Media Manager: Sally Ivens | Executive director: Nick Jones | Senior Director of Campaigns and Public Affairs: Claire Bass | Public Affairs Officer: Sam Magor | Humane World for Animals UK (formerly Humane Society International/UK) is a leading force for animal protection, with active campaigns to stop the import of hunting trophies, and the import and sale of fur in the UK; to reduce the number of animals suffering on factory farms and to promote the adoption of more plant-based eating; to reduce and replace animal use in scientific research and product testing; and to suspend the use of cruel glue traps for professional and public rodent control. Humane World for Animals UK is the U.K. office of Humane World for Animals, one of the largest animal protection organisations in the world, and is proud to support Humane World for Animals' global program of work including ending the dog meat trade across Asia, promoting humane street dog management, ending illegal wildlife trade and rescuing animals in need during natural disasters. More Close Humane World for Animals UK For more information, please visit