ATL comment on primary school league tables
| Association of Teachers and Lecturers
Commenting on the primary school league tables, Dr Mary Bousted, general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL), said:
“We congratulate pupils, teachers and their families for the brilliant work they have done to secure these great results.
“It would be wonderful if we could congratulate the Government on its contribution too, but unfortunately these results have been achieved in spite of relentless, unnecessary political interference and significant disruption. From next summer, the tests for 11-year-olds will be significantly more challenging, even though those pupils will only have had two years of learning the new curriculum on which they are based, which could lead to a significant drop in results, or a massive increase in teaching to the tests.
“We have a world class primary education system in England and urge the Government to re-think its approach to reforming primary education. Introducing unhelpful and unnecessary measures, such as forcing schools to become academies and naming and shaming ‘underperforming’ local areas, puts at risk the progress being made with our children in primary schools. The Government should instead focus on addressing the growing crises in the lack of school places, in teacher recruitment and teachers’ excessive workloads, because unless these are solved it will be impossible to maintain this excellent work.”