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Declarations and Q A session at BVNA Congress

Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons | Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

2 min read Partner content

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) will be holding a short ceremony for those registered veterinary nurses who have missed out on the opportunity to make their professional declaration, followed by a questions and answers session at the British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA) Congress in October.

The RCVS will have a stand (B007) at the Congress (Telford International Centre,10 to 12 October 2014), which veterinary nurses can visit to browse and collect literature, ask questions of RCVS staff and even participate in a competition about advancing veterinary nursing standards.

On Saturday 11 October 2014, Kathy Kissick, Chair of VN Council, will be leading a declarations session at 1.15pm in the Coalport Suite. This will give registered veterinary nurses who qualified before 2012 the opportunity to make their declaration of professional registration, which sets out the rights and responsibilities of registered veterinary nurses.

Kathy says: “Although all veterinary nurses now make their declaration when they register with the RCVS this has only been the case since 2012 – so there are many veterinary nurses out there who haven’t yet had the opportunity.

“However, whether you’ve been in the profession for two years or two decades, I would strongly encourage you to take part. Not only does the declaration bring home the core responsibilities of VNs to their clients, the public, the RCVS and to the animals in their care, but it also brings a great sense of belonging and demonstrates that, as a profession, veterinary nurses should hold their heads up high.”

Kirstie Shield, BVNA President, adds: “The BVNA is delighted to be invited by the RCVS to host this important ceremony for the first time at our Congress. As RVNs we value our qualification and role within the profession and this prestigious event provides us with an opportunity to show we are responsible and devoted to what we do. I would urge all delegates to attend this session whether you are taking part or merely observing, this ceremony is important to our profession and shows we are united and dedicated in our work”.

Between 1.45pm and 2.45pm Kathy will take part in a questions and answers session with Julie Dugmore, RCVS Head of Veterinary Nursing, Kirstie Shield and Fiona Andrew, BVNA Vice-President. After a short presentation the floor will be opened to delegates who may ask about any topic - from the new Royal Charter and its impact on veterinary nursing, through changes to the supporting guidance on emergency care to protection of the title veterinary nurse, and any other issue about which they feel strongly.

For more information about what the RCVS will be doing at BVNA Congress please contact Fiona Harcourt, Communications Officer, on or 020 7202 0773.

Read the most recent article written by Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons - Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

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