Mon, 3 June 2024

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Election 2015: Labour’s careers pledge must include logistics sector says RHA

RHA | Road Haulage Association

2 min read Partner content

The Road Haulage Association notes todays announcement from the Labour party, pledging to introduce face-to-face careers advice in schools if it wins next months General Election.

“This is an interesting one”, said RHA chief executive Richard Burnett. “Any programme of careers advice in schools must reflect the nation’s needs and best interests, effectively and responsibly and also highlight to school students opportunities they may not have considered. The road haulage and logistics industry is a vital and dynamic service sector. It offers many opportunities for responsible young people that are not well understood. Careers advice at school should allow young people to be inspired beyond what they currently know about. The industry is an essential enabler of economic growth, employment and wealth creation. Everything we eat, drink and wear depends on haulage services. We would have no homes to live in, heat to warm them or jobs to go to without trucks; and the companies and drivers that operate them. The vehicles are seen every day – but seldom understood.

“In 2014, government research identified that the industry needs to recruit 1.2 million people by 2020 and is currently in dire need of drivers. Careers advisors must understand the excellent career path logistics can offer. It is a global, IT-driven industry with many opportunities which allow apprentices to work their way up into positions of seniority including board directors and chief executives. Others can spread their entrepreneurial wings and set up their own businesses, creating jobs and generating wealth. 

“The devil is in the detail – careers advice is a great idea. Targeted careers advice is an even better one”.

Read the most recent article written by RHA - Time is running out for UK-bound hauliers at Calais says RHA


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