GDC appears before the Health Select Committee
On Wednesday 11 March 2015 the General Dental Councils (GDC) Chair and Chief Executive appeared before the Health Select Committee (HSC) for an accountability hearing.
William Moyes and Evlynne Gilvarry were asked about work that’s underway to improve the GDC’s fitness to practise processes, reasons behind the increase in the annual retention fee for dentists in 2015 and what benefits could be expected from any future legislative change.
The Committee shared the GDC’s disappointment that legislative change had not occurred during the current Parliament and welcomed the GDC setting out the need for reform.
The HSC was also interested in how the complaints process could be better improved for patients.
The Chair and Chief Executive both welcomed the opportunity to attend the hearing.
The GDC is wholly committed to achieving high standards of regulation and was pleased to engage with the HSC members regarding the range of measures that have been put in place to meet the challenges that face dental regulation.
Ahead of the hearing the GDC made a written submission to the HSC, which can be read in full here.