Giving children the best start lasts a lifetime Action for Children 1 min read24 February 2015 Partner content Today, the First 1001 Days All Party Parliamentary Group has produced a report on ways to ensure newborn babies have the emotional stability and development they need for the best start in life. The report advocates joined up working among public services including social work, policing and health to help families with issues such as mental health, parenting, relationships, domestic violence and substance misuse. Kate Mulley, director of policy and campaigns at Action for Children, said: “Equipping and supporting parents to provide a safe and nurturing upbringing for their child in the crucial early years can make a difference that lasts a lifetime. “Getting all local services to work together to help families with problems early rather than once they become crises is the right approach to effectively tackling child maltreatment. “We know from our work on neglect that early help services can play a crucial role in prevention and that children’s centres are ideally placed in communities to offer parents access to a wide range of support from conception onwards.” Related Government Announces Funding Boost And Reforms To Social Care By Zoe Crowther 03 Jan