It’s time for decision-makers to appreciate the value of SME house builders
The House of Lords committee on national policy for the built environment published an official report stating that building 240,000 new homes a year is impossible unless the public sector plays a bigger role.
The HBA wholeheartedly supports the report’s call to increase the output of social and public housing, but questions why local and regional house builders are not recognised as a solution, especially in less urban areas.
Rico Wojtulewicz, HBA’s policy advisor, said: “To call the Government’s approach short-sighted when the report itself ignores SME house builders speaks volumes about how out of touch the conversation about quality homes is. SMEs build better and bigger homes. Bigger because they try to exceed space standards, and better because they build to the latest building regulations”
HBA research shows that when SMEs built the majority of homes, prices were stable. SMEs’ contribution is now at around 30% and house prices out of control.
“It’s time for the value, contribution and output of SME housebuilders to be truly appreciated”, Wojtulewicz added.