Lack of Bill to modernise our legal framework a major setback for patients and the professions
Nursing and Midwifery Council
Responding to the omission of a Bill that would introduce significant reforms to Nursing and Midwifery Councils (NMC) outdated legal framework, NMC Chief Executive Jackie Smith said:
“I am deeply disappointed that a Bill modernising the regulation of nurses and midwives has not been included in the Queen’s Speech. This is a major setback and comes despite the government’s undertaking in response to the Francis Report into failings at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust.
“There is an overwhelming consensus that our current legislation is hopelessly out of date inefficient and costly. It does not serve the public or the professions well. We are now left continuing to spend the majority of resources on the few where concerns have been raised.
“We urgently need reform that enables us to regulate nurses and midwives in the twenty-first century and we will continue to press for much needed change which will enable us to serve the professions and the public, well.”