Sun, 1 September 2024

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Leading charity backs David Cameron’s pledge to tackle international corruption

PoliticsHome | Save the Children

2 min read Partner content

Save the Children has welcomed the Prime Minister’s call for a clampdown on corruption.

Speaking during a visit to Singapore, David Cameron announced that the UK Government will step up its efforts to tackle corruption and promote greater transparency.

Responding to the remarks, Brendan Cox, Director of Policy, Advocacy & Campaigns at Save the Children said:
“Corruption robs developing countries of the revenues they need to build decent public infrastructure and provide vital services like health and education - that’s why the Prime Minister’s promise to do more to tackle corruption and increase transparency is a very welcome step in the right direction."

Earlier this year a report by the charity, entitled Making a Killing: How tax scams are robbing poor countries of lifesaving healthcare , highlighted the correlation between mortality rates and corruption.

It found that the 75 countries where most of the world’s child and maternal mortality occurs have collectively lost $78 billion to tax avoidance. The $15 billion that is lost in Sub-Saharan Africa due to trade mis-invoicing is the equivalent of 1.8 million health workers.
In his speech the Prime Minister also committed to stop the UK becoming a safe haven for corrupt money from around the world, outlining plans to make British companies declare the identities of their owners and tackling the lack of transparency and shell companies that are used to launder money.
Brendan Cox added: “The Prime Minister must now use the full force of the law to ensure companies and individuals are held to these standards. Government must also now deliver on commitments made last year to make the UK’s Overseas Territories reveal the beneficial owners of companies registered in their jurisdictions.

“Only if these promises become reality will developing countries be able to harness all the tax revenues they are due, to build stronger economies and robust essential services for their citizens.”

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