Sun, 2 June 2024

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Police widows’ pensions ‘grossly unfair’ and in need of reform

Police Federation | Police Federation of England and Wales

1 min read Partner content

Responding to Richard Graham MPs article and debate today, Alex Duncan, from the Police Federations national committee says:

 “We welcome today’s adjournment debate on the important matter of police widows’ pensions, which comes as a direct result of the tireless campaigning by Cathryn Hall, and the letter written to all MPs by the Police Federation Chairman, Steve White,  just before Christmas.

“Richard Graham MP is right to highlight this issue in Parliament; an issue which causes much misery and hardship for many families left behind when a police officer dies on duty.  The current legislation is a double punishment for many widows and widowers, forcing them to choose between a lifetime of love and newfound happiness or a future of financial hardship. That is morally wrong, grossly unfair and this needs to be put right.”

Read the most recent article written by Police Federation - Believe in Blue - Celebrating British Policing




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