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RVC student wins BVA prize for travel grant report

British Veterinary Association | British Veterinary Association

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RVC student Alexis Pridmore has been awarded a £50 prize for the best report on a project part-funded by the BVA Overseas Travel Grants scheme.

Alexis received the grant in 2013 for her study in Kenya carrying out comparative observations on strongyle parasites in domestic horses (Equus ferus caballus), Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi) and Plains zebra (Equus quagga).

All students who are awarded travel grants by the Overseas Group are asked to submit a report on their studies and the Group awards an additional prize for the best report.

The other 2013 award winners were:

• Marise Curran (University of Nottingham Veterinary School) who visited Morocco in summer 2013 to establish clinical guidelines for the treatment of equine colic in developing countries
• Sam Greenaway (University of Cambridge Veterinary School) for work evaluating the use of the short-form Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale in street dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy in Jaipur, India
• Abigail Waddington (University of Nottingham Veterinary School) who is currently in India working on a project on Rabies Control in Community Dogs in Goa

Commenting on the prize, Adele Williams, Chair of the BVA Overseas Group, said:

“The Overseas Group felt that Alexis’ report showed that she had gained the most from the travel grant both personally and in terms of the research carried out. The main report is incredibly thorough and scientific, and her short summary is very accessible for those wanting an overview. We were delighted to award the £50 prize to Alexis.

“We were also very pleased with the overall quality of the reports from our travel grant recipients. It is fantastic to see how the grant has made such an impact both in terms of the students’ learning and progress, and in terms of the excellent work being carried out in the developing world.”

The awards for 2014 will be announced at BVA Members’ Day on Thursday 25 September in Manchester. Applications for 2015 will open in autumn 2014 and the criteria for the grant scheme will widen beyond students in their clinical years to cover all veterinary students.

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