Support available for those struggling with benefit reductions
Charity Turn2us comments on a report published by the Institute for Public Policy Research showing cuts to housing benefit could see in-work claimants lose more than 500 a year:
“Turn2us has not been alone in condemning the proposed cuts to Working Tax Credit and we welcome the news that next Wednesday the Chancellor will be setting out how he intends to soften the blow. Those on the lowest incomes are struggling with the very basic essentials - only yesterday we released research as part of our No Cold Homes campaign revealing that 50% of those with a household income of under £30,000 were struggling with the cost of fuel, with a third skipping meals as a result.
It’s really important that those struggling are aware of the support available, this is especially important when changes such as the proposed reduction in Working Tax Credit, or indeed Housing Benefit, are being discussed. Too often we see that those struggling feel alone and unable to look for a solution and any policy that may increase that pressure threatens to make the situation more severe.”