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Vets urge pet owners to prepare, to avoid ‘distressing’ Bonfire Night

British Veterinary Association | British Veterinary Association

2 min read Partner content

With bonfire night upon us, the British Veterinary Association (BVA) is encouraging pet owners to prepare pets to prevent possible upset from fireworks.

The organisation warns that firework noise can reach up to 150 decibels, as loud as a jet engine, and dogs, cats and other pets are often particularly sensitive to noise, causing the period around 5 November to be traumatic and distressing for many.

According to Sean Wensley, BVA President: “Bonfire night is a fun time for adults and children, but many animals are extremely frightened of the loud noises and flashes that accompany fireworks. 

“It’s important that owners recognise the signs of stress and follow professional advice on how to reduce them. Owners often ask vets for help in the days around bonfire night; there is good advice that we can give at this time, but there is even more that can be done to help pets if some measures were taken sooner. So we would encourage pet owners to visit their veterinary practice as soon as possible.”

Whilst some pets show obvious signs of distress, such as panting, drooling and attempts to escape, other exhibit more subtle behaviours that owners should be aware of, including restlessness and toileting in the house. Cats often hide while rabbits may keep very still and thump the ground with their back feet. 

BVA recommends preparing a den for your pet, around two weeks before bonfire night ideally, and giving them praise when they are relaxed there, so they come to view it as a safe retreat.

It also suggests using pheromone products next to the den and around the home. These are scents that we can’t smell but reduce a pet’s stress.

Providing background noise and closing curtains and windows on nights when fireworks are expected is also recommended.  

BVA urges pet owners to remain calm and not to either punish, or even reassure their pet as this often inadvertently reinforces anxious behaviour.

For small pets, such as rabbits and guinea pigs, the best approach is to move them to a quiet place indoors when fireworks are expected, and provide lots of bedding to mask the sounds.

If your pet is severely distressed by fireworks or other noises, BVA encourages pet owners to visit their vet to discuss treatment options. Firework phobia can be effectively treated with behaviour-modification techniques, which can achieve long-term success with professional input and owner commitment and patience.

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Read the most recent article written by British Veterinary Association - Pet proof your Christmas and stay off Santa Paw’s naughty list


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