World-leading Transport Systems Catapult Centre to be located in Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes has been chosen as the location for the UK?s new £150 million Catapult centre for integrated transport systems – one of the first of its kind in the world. Milton Keynes was selected following an extensive nationwide search.
The final decision was based on a range of criteria including: ease of access for the transport community, a skilled talent pool with the relevant expertise, travel times from locations across the UK and abroad, and the availability of high quality business space to set up the world-class centre.
The Transport Systems Catapult will provide a national hub for transport modelling and monitoring – testing latest theories on how transport systems interact and function against real-world demonstrators. This will help UK businesses to develop effective and sustainable solutions to our transport needs – for both freight and people.
The Catapult will be funded by up to £50 million over five years through the UK?s innovation agency, the Technology Strategy Board. With private sector business and collaborative RD projects the total funding for the centre over 5 years is expected to be around £150 million.
Universities and Science Minister David Willetts said:
“The Transport Systems Catapult will put Milton Keynes at the forefront of exploiting the huge growth opportunities in a sector estimated to be worth up to £900 billion by 2025. The Catapult will establish the UK as a world leader in transport systems, creating new technologies that can be exported across the world, boosting growth. New systems will also help businesses get access to real time information so they can travel more efficiently, reduce lost time and save money.”
Steve Yianni, CEO designate of the Transport Systems Catapult said: "An efficient transport system that can move people and goods in a cost effective way is vital to the success of the UK economy. The Transport Systems Catapult will ensure that new and emerging technologies are harnessed to meet the growing requirements for transport systems of the future.
“Milton Keynes is the UK?s fastest growing city, with a proactive council focused on innovation and success. As well as being an ideal place to live and work, Milton Keynes provides a great platform to demonstrate the work of the Transport Systems Catapult.”
David Hopkins, Cabinet member for Economic Development Enterprise at Milton Keynes Council said:
“We are delighted that the Transport Systems Catapult has chosen Milton Keynes to host their technology and innovation centre. Milton Keynes is an ultra-modern, fast-growing city that embodies and embraces innovation in everything it does."