Sat, 1 June 2024

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Coronavirus: MPs urge Boris Johnson to create compensation scheme for families of frontline victims

Three NHS doctors were confirmed to have died from Covid-19 in the UK (PA)

2 min read

MPs from all parties have backed a campaign calling on Boris Johnson to create a special compensation scheme to help the families of frontline coronavirus victims.

Lib Dem MP Layla Moran said it should mirror the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme, which provides compensation to those left behind by troops killed in action.

The move comes after three NHS doctors were confirmed to have died from Covid-19 after treating patients with the virus.

Fifty MPs, plus more than 1,150 members of the public, have signed the letter, which says “those on the frontline of this battle against coronavirus are heroes”.

It calls for “a guaranteed income" for the families of frontline workers killed by the virus, payments to children under 18 and help with funeral costs.

The letter says: “While no money could ever compensate for any loss of life, setting up this scheme would provide security and comfort for those risking their lives at this time of crisis.

“Our gratitude is limitless, as we’re sure is yours. This small show of recognition is the very least we should do.” 

The scheme would be open to to the families of those classified as key workers, including social care staff and teachers as well as those in the NHS.

MPs from all the major parties have signed the letter, including former Tory ministers Sir Mike Penning and Dan Poulter, a qualified doctor.

Several Lib Dems, including ex-Cabinet ministers Ed Davey and Alistair Carmichael, are supporting their colleague, alongside Labour MPs including Dame Margaret Hodge and Dame Diana Johnson.

SNP, DUP and Plaid Cymru MPs have also put their names to the letter.

Ms Moran said: “Our gratitude to all those on the frontline, who are working to save and help others, is limitless. 

“They are putting their lives on the line and they should know that, should the worst happen, the state will help their families.”

She added: “I’d like to thank the 50 cross-party MPs and 1150 members of the public who’ve supported the campaign so far. 

“It’s time for the Government to take notice and introduce this compassionate Compensation Scheme without delay.”

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