Mon, 3 June 2024

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Alzheimer's Society responds to Government announcement of social care task force

Alzheimer’s Society

1 min read

Alzheimer's Society responds to today's Government announcement of new national Covid-19 social care support Taskforce.

Fiona Carragher, Director of Research and Influencing at Alzheimer’s Society said, 

“We’re really pleased that the Government has listened to our calls and has announced a coronavirus social care Taskforce today. It’s badly needed to ensure an end to the devastation that coronavirus has wreaked in care homes, and more widely, on people with dementia. As a first step, we are calling for the Taskforce to urgently review why people with dementia have been worst hit by the virus, as well as to directly address the complex needs and challenges they have.  With the threat of a second spike, the Government must ensure that the tragedy of the last few months is not repeated.” 


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