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Tim Farron MP: Business and entrepreneurship are central to my vision for a liberal Britain

3 min read

Liberal Democrat leadership candidate Tim Farron argues that his party is the authentic supporter of entrepreneurship and small businesses.

The Liberal Democrats is the natural party for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. Since the days of the Whigs, Radicals and free-trade Peelites, liberals have promoted maverick ideas, coupled with social responsibility. The Liberal Democrats believe in individuals reaching their full potential, as active participants within their wider society. We believe in small and new business as a positive agent of change: contributing fresh ideas and social solutions that drive us all forward.

Unlike Labour, the Liberal Democrats is not an anti-business party. And we do not support irresponsible business behaviour, like the Tories. The Liberal Democrats represent a different, more practical and constructive, approach to modern business within a local, national, European and global context.

Yes, we certainly do believe in apprenticeships. That’s why the party has worked so hard over so many years to create two million opportunities within established businesses for school and college leavers. We also recognise the importance of the self-starter. The individual with vision. The person who wants to set the agenda. And it is our party’s responsibility to help these individuals achieve their full potential. To promote individual prosperity, yes. But also for the greater good: business within context.

Now more than ever, our country needs to embrace and support the small business leaders of tomorrow. With more focussed and innovative real-world education and training. With entrepreneurial mentoring. With practical and progressive policies that enable the development and sharing of ideas and skills between the private and public sectors. With an economy that is geared to support ambition, rather than frustrate innovation with unnecessary regulation and opaque vested interests.

We need to reach deep into local communities to find these people. The people with an idea, but insufficient support. The people who will build themselves - and their communities. This is the job of proactive and relevant politics. It is the job of the Liberal Democrats.

This is, I believe, simply the right way. It is a more engaged, moral and effective way to prepare the next generation for business within the 21st Century. To furnish our young thought-leaders with the skills and self-sufficiency to succeed – irrespective of their background, disability, sexual orientation, religion or level of education.

And crucially we need to provide our entrepreneurs of tomorrow with a commercial attitude that is not based on out-dated and inappropriate tendencies. Because business success does not exist in a vacuum.

We need to foster a more modern perception of responsible business as the cornerstone to a successful economy and a progressive society. With innovative approaches to meet emerging demand - for example for green products, technologies and services. With inclusion at its heart. With success measured not simply in economic terms, but also in terms of social and environmental impact.

We need to build up an entrepreneurial culture that we can be proud of. Progressive, responsible, inclusive and international.

Entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship are fundamental to our party’s history and beliefs.  They are in our blood. And they should be fundamental to our vision for a liberal Britain.

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