IT innovation in the legal sector
Solicitors Regulation Authority
Use of technology can enable law firms to do more for clients, according to the latest marketplace report from the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).
The IT and Innovation paper highlights how creative use of IT can help legal work become more efficient and enable legal businesses to both save money and become more in tune with clients' expectations.
Examples of innovative use of technology in the sector includes automation of time-consuming tasks, developing 'virtual assistants' to deal with legal processes and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse data and precedents in order to free up time for solicitors and save money for clients.
The report details several case studies and gives tips on how IT is shaping the market and how solicitors can stay one step ahead in the realm of cyber security.
Crispin Passmore, Executive Director for Policy, says: "The legal services market is ever changing and firms need to adapt in order to meet demand and grow their business. Using and adapting new and best practice from cutting edge IT is a clear way of taking advantage of technology while innovating for the good of clients."
"Our latest report will interest firms and support their desires to explore new ways of working. We want our regulation to support innovation, which in turn can be a real benefit to the public."
"This is just one of the ways in which we are helping solicitors meet clients' needs."
This latest innovation report is now available on the SRA website.
SRA Innovate provides online guidance and support to solicitors and law firms who are looking at new ways to serve their clients and run their businesses.