Saga comments on Governments strategy to improve employment opportunities for older workers
Saga's director of communications, Paul Green has commented on the release of the Department of Work and Pension's strategy for older workers as part of their Fuller Working Lives series.
“The Work & Pensions Secretary, Damian Green MP is right to identify the need to support people who want to change direction, learn new skills or return to the labour market at an older age.
"An age diverse workforce is a big win for individuals, businesses and for Government. If Britain is to succeed we need to end age discrimination in employment. The Government could also help by abolishing its tax on jobs - Employers NI - for those who have been out of work for 6 months or longer - as long term unemployment is a huge issue for those losing their job in later life.
"For many people being able to continue to work is important, not just for the money but because it also boost your physical and mental well-being. Knowing that you continue to make a valuable social and economic contribution to society is important for people of all ages.
"Older workers spend a higher proportion of their income and this boosts further job creation, particularly for the young; they continue to pay taxes and also reduce the burden on the welfare budget - so its a real public policy triple win.
"This is clearly a step in the right direction that employers need to harness in order to create a truly age diverse workforce.”