In releasing the guide, the deputy prime minister said the CII were "doing their bit to open up Britain's workplaces".
Speaking about the importance of internships, he said: "Internships are a valuable experience for young people starting out in their careers, and should be available to everyone, from all walks of life. This is not just good for individuals, but good for business too in ensuring we capture the best talent."
The guide,
'A good practice guide from the Chartered Insurance Institute', promotes the benefits a well-structured internship can bring to both interns and employers.
Within the guide, the CII lays out a clear seven-point code of practice and practical guidance that employers should adhere to.
As well as providing practical tips and examples of best practice so that firms make the most of internships, the CII is asking employers to sign a pledge.
The CII pledge asks firms to offer at least one internship opportunity per year, and support the principles set out in the guide. Several firms including Direct Line, Willis and AON have already agreed to sign the pledge in the good practice guide.
Commenting on the launch of the guide, Caspar Bartington, relationship manager for education at the CII, said: "The CII's 2011 Skills Survey showed a significant growth in the number of firms offering work placements or internships – from 38 per cent in 2010 to 50 per cent in 2011. This is good news and, coupled with the CII's work via its outreach programmes to students, Discover Risk and Discover Fortunes, there's a real opportunity to raise students' awareness of the varied careers offered in our sector, and for the sector to attract some great talent.
"To build on this the sector has a critical role to play by providing opportunities that will attract talented students from schools, colleges and universities into our profession – and internships are a key part of this. So we're calling upon all firms, large and small, to commit to offering at least one internship opportunity a year, utilising the principles set out in this guide."
Daniel Pedley, public affairs manager at the CII, added:
"Internships provide benefits beyond the individual or the firm to society at large. They play a crucial role in promoting social mobility by offering a way into a profession that a young person may have thought closed to them.
"The CII recently committed to the government's
Social Mobility Business
Compactwhich seeks to raise aspirations, open opportunities and ensure every individual is free to achieve, whatever their background. Our internships guide supports these aims, with those signing the CII pledge demonstrating the commitment of our profession to provide quality internship programmes."