Our Work: Glue Traps Humane World for Animals UK 1 min read29 June 2021 Every year glue traps, which are widely and publicly available on the UK market, are responsible for the agonising suffering and death of untold numbers of wild animals, including protected species like birds and bats, and even pets. HSI UK is calling for these inhumane and indiscriminate devices to be prohibited and we welcome the introduction of the Glue Traps (Offences) Bill in June 2021. Fuelled by the strong support from the British public, we are working with MPs, Peers and Defra to ensure the Bill progresses through Parliament swiftly to get these crude traps banned for good. The danger of DIY pest control Inhumane, Indiscriminate, Indefensible: the case for a UK ban on rodent glue traps Related The Secret Social Worker: 'It feels relentless and the gaps are just too big for us to fill' By The Secret Social Worker 13 Mar